State by State Checklist
Voting is easy when you have the facts
Town Hall Meeting July 16, 2012 - LINK
Mitt/Rove Wrong - Get The Facts: Video Link
Budget For All - One LINK
GLEN ALLEN, VA : U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to supporters in the rain during his ''A Vision for Virginia's Middle Class'' campaign event July 14, 2012 at Walkerton Tavern in Glen Allen, Virginia. Obama discussed his plan to restore middle class security and urged Congress to act on extending tax cuts to middle class families. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) Photo: Alex Wong, Getty Images / SF
What happened under Bush? We cut taxes on the richest 1% and doubled military spending and started wars. And don't forget the Bush era collapsed the economy, forcing people onto unemployment and food stamps. We have a deficit because of tax cuts for the rich, huge military budget increases and the consequences of deregulating corporations.
There actually are budget plans that get rid of the deficit without cutting back on the things democracy does for the other 99%. (Up-post, BUDGET FOR ALL)
Mitt Romney and Bain helped to create a new rulebook for the American economy -- one that ultimately helped lead to the economic disaster that came to a head in September 2008. - LINK
Yesterday upon the stair
I saw a Mitt who wasn't there.
Oh, how I wish he'd go away
He wasn't there again today.

Heads or Tails - You Bet Middleclass Gets Nothing Video - Link
Mitt will give America the same thing he gave GST Steel. Nothing. He’ll take it all.
Kansas City’s GST Steel was a successful company that had been making steel rods for 103 years when Mitt Romney and his partners took control in 1993. They cut corners and extracted profit from the business at every turn, placing it deeply in debt. When the company eventually declared bankruptcy, workers were denied their full pensions and health insurance, and the federal government was forced to step in and bail out the pension fund.
When Romney's firm bankrupted GST Steel, company executives got $9 million while hundreds of workers received no severance. #RomneyEconomics
Romney has repeatedly claimed that he helped create over 100,000 jobs while at Bain. Romney’s claims on job creation are so absurd that the Washington Post wrote they “do not pass the laugh test” and Fortune Magazine called them “False.”
In the 1990s, GST steel mill of Kansas City, Missouri in business since 1888 was bought by Bain. Eight years later it went bankrupt. After a couple of years, because of the way things were being run, the employees went on strike and negotiated an agreement whereby, if anything happened to the company, they would still get their health care and their pensions.
In the meantime, Romney’s management team added debt on the company. When they bought the company it had only $13 million of debt. By the time it filed for bankruptcy, its debt had increased 40 fold to over $533 million.
With high payments to make on all that debt, the company couldn’t weather the storm. And when the company finally filed for bankruptcy, they reneged on their contract with the workers. No health care, lower pensions. Everyone lost their jobs.But not everyone got hurt. The top 30 executives walked away with $9 million. And Romney and his partners walked away with at least $12 million.
So what do you think he’ll do as President?
Natural Zodiac
Cardinal instinct, want, need, desire
(cardinal instinct, want, need, greed)
Many astrologers analyze key concepts as positive or negatively expressed. Some astrologers analyze key concepts as constructive or destructively expressed. In addition unredeemed qualities go beyond the destructive expression.
Aries - I am, cardinal instinct
Taurus - I have, want
Gemini - I think, need
Cancer - I feel, cardinal instinct
Leo - I will, desire
Virgo - I analyze, want
Libra - I balance, cardinal instinct
Scorpio - I create, need
Sagittarius - I perceive, desire
Capricorn - I use, cardinal instinct
Aquarius - I know, want
Pisces - I believe, need
(Cardinal instinct Aries - I am, desire)
Vesta Asteroid Analysis -
Mitt Romney & Ann Romney
GOP's Favorite Vulture Capital Couple
Mitt Romney & Ann Romney
GOP's Favorite Vulture Capital Couple
Mitt Romney, Natal VESTA @27 Aries
(extraordinary, unusual striving for possessions & wealth)
Stress aspect, energies don't flow smoothly, one or the other predominates
Mitt Romney, Natal Jupiter @27 Scorpio
Mitt Romney, Natal Jupiter @27 Scorpio
(difficulty saying “no” wants to impress, either underrate or overate themselves or others)
Mitt Romney, Natal Moon @27 Scorpio
(extreme moods, uncertain of emotional center, afraid of being embarrassed or betrayed)
The Moon and VESTA five Houses apart are 'quincunx' or 'inconjunct'. Quincunxes indicate tendency to compartmentalize two areas of life, separates them consciously or unconsciously.
The practice of humanistic astrology engenders insight analysis to enable an individual to favorably protect parts of the self, to honor (Vesta, the hearth of the inner home) the 'flame of individuality' and to gather a whole picture, to know and empower the needs of the self; while concentration on Vesta in mundane, geopolitical astrology focuses on the collective social, economic-political, cultural consciousness and conditions. ( 2012 Eclipses - Link )
Vesta (Unhealthy Narcissism) - Vesta (Enlightened Self Interest)
Polaris Fixed Star * Semi-Sextile Kite
Apex (nose of kite, lift)
Minor Asteroid Swindle @27 Sagittarius
Minor Asteroid Machiavelli @ 28 Capricorn
Natal Jupiter @27 Scorpio, Natal Moon @27 Scorpio
Fixed Star Polaris @28 Gemini 31
Kite tail (drag)
Diane Sawyer Interview: Ann Romney " It's Mitt's Turn, It's Our Time"
MOTTO SUN conjunct URANUS - It's my turn
The Flip Side of Jupiter
The flip side of Jupiter descends into greed and all manner of excessive self-indulgence. - Link
Key Words & Phrases - Jupiter
- optimistic in the face of hardship
- giving unselfishly
- justice for all
Jupiter (expansion, bigger, better, more, too much is never enough)
There's more - three minute - VIDEO LINK
Magic Of Bain Capital's Profits
A Private Equity Partnership
Music Video
There's more - three minute - VIDEO LINK

A Private Equity Partnership
Music Video
EIGHT STEPS: use only investors' money, target company to vulturize, squeeze-fire-cut, borrow from banks, inflate the company profits, give partners special dividend, make quick sale of company, pocket the dough, get special tax breaks.
1. invest with other people's money
2. use the $$ to buy target company to squeeze higher profits from
3. Bain squeezes by cutting the company costs i. e. fire workers - cut other workers' wages and health benefits (we the people subsidize unemployment insurance and the government insured bankrupt pension plans)
4. use the company as collateral to borrow a pile of dough from banks - the interest payments are DEDUCTIBLE from the company's income on the books so the they show even bigger inflated profits
5. Bain gets the company to issue a SPECIAL DIVIDEND to pay the original partners so now everything else is gravy
6. with the inflated value on the books Bain does quick sale of the vulturized company for more than they bought it for
7. the private partners pocket 20% off the top
8. partner's individual capital gains are treated as SPECIAL TAX BREAK - pay only 15% tax on capital gains income

Find out about ID requirements where you plan to vote. Select your state from the drop down menu at the url for details.
Voter ID Laws Risk Half-Million Voters' Access To Ballot Box
In the 10 states with restrictive voter ID laws -- -- nearly 500,000 eligible voters do not have access to a vehicle and live more than 10 miles from the nearest state ID-issuing office that is open more than two days a week. More than 10 million eligible voters in those states live more than 10 miles from such offices, a number that includes 1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters.
- Alabama,
- Georgia,
- Indiana,
- Kansas,
- Mississippi,
- Pennsylvania,
- South Carolina,
- Tennessee,
- Texas
- Wisconsin
Gaskins noted that these laws could have some significant political ramifications come November. In Pennsylvania, for instance, where the number of voters lacking state-issued photo ID is greater than President Barack Obama's margin of victory there in 2008, "we're really talking about a population of individuals that can influence the outcome," she said.
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