Right wing SuperPACs vowed to use as much of their projected $200 million budget as necessary to win the presidency. American Crossroads/Restore Our Future will release three straight months of attacks ads against Obama-Biden Democrats.
Will Romney-Rove ride SuperPac money to victory?
The Center for Responsive Politics offers this chart of donors who are giving money to Romney’s campaign, the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future and American Crossroads.

Get ready to fight Rove and the other Bush rightwing advisors to Mitt Romney's campaign.
Their SuperPac elite money crowd championed reckless Republican economic policies bringing us to the brink of a Great Depression leaving regular people holding the bag.
It won't matter that negative attacks aren't true they can afford to put lies on TV 30 times a day and folks will start to believe them.
Rove isn't interested in letting Romney compete he doesn't want him to run on the issues, or let voters choose between two visions for our country -- Rove's SuperPac just wants to destroy Obama-Biden Democrats.
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