inside story of how the Republicans abandoned the poor and the middle class to pursue tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent
How did Mitt Romney win the Florida primary?
Ninety-nine percent of his ads were negative
and every single one of his Super PAC's ads were, too.
How'd he win Michigan? More negative attacks.
In Wisconsin, where the primary is around the corner, he's outspending the Santorum campaign five to one.
You can see where this is going.
Mitt Romney's campaign banks on the fact that a few enormously rich people at his beck and call, have contributed a whole lot of money to help him win with the precision of carefully, crafted, fear-mongering attack ads.
Unvarnished (excerpt paraphrased)
Profile of Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney is a man totally devoid of commitment to any principle except his own advancement. At one time or another there has been no public policy which Romney has not advocated and then opposed with craven expediency. He is a major political figure contemptuous and unburdened by commitment to any principle whatsoever.
Mitt Romney seeks the advantage of big money from elite, wealthy individuals who want possession, power and control of his political candidacy in order to protect their personal fortunes.
Political Polling - Willard Mitt Romney's High Unfavorables
Usually when a politician shifts position to a certain group, they don't mind. The public is very tolerant of politicians who flip toward them. But Mitt Romney is so obvious in his absolute lack of principle that even the people who he temporarily says 'I agree with you' are not reassured, because they understand when the wind blows, there he will go again.
There is a "meanness" at Romney's core. - Rep. Barney Frank

There is a "meanness" at Romney's core. - Rep. Barney Frank
There is no mistaking that, Romney has a long record of utilizing relentlessly, savage campaigns against people who get in his way and for being abusive toward women politicians. In spite of (notwithstanding) his planned low-key persona (media image) you will not find a more devoted practioner to the most insolent, vicious, undaunted aspects of American politics than Mitt Romney.
Former President George H.W. Bush and the Bush political family, dynasty have wholeheartedly endorsed Mitt Romney for president.
The House of Representatives passed the GOP/Paul Ryan bill that would eliminate the vast majority of the social safety net, education programs, turn Medicare into a voucher program for future seniors among other things…all the while increasing defense spending and cutting taxes for America’s wealthiest. It’s a cruel and horrible joke; well – the likely Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has fully embraced this budget. The House Budget is now Mitt Romney’s budget; he would sign it without compunction. And that’s all Republican backers really need…someone who will sign their bills regardless of the type of damage it will create in our country. The Republican plan would fundamentally alter America as we know it.
Mr. Romney said “It’s a bold and exciting effort and it’s very much consistent with what I put out earlier.” - LINK
Mitt Romney - Empathy for the Rich
Bon Jovi - Music Video Link - Let Me Introduce You
The Flip Side of Jupiter
The flip side of Jupiter descends into greed and all manner of excessive self-indulgence. - Link
Key Words & Phrases - Jupiter
Natural Zodiac (cardinal instinct, want, need, desire)

Mr. Romney said “It’s a bold and exciting effort and it’s very much consistent with what I put out earlier.” - LINK
Mitt Romney - Empathy for the Rich
Bon Jovi - Music Video Link - Let Me Introduce You
- Empathy: “I’m not concerned about the very poor.”
- Compassion: “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.”
- Sympathy for the disadvantaged: My wife “drives a couple of Cadillacs.”
- Willingness to lie in negotiations: “I was a severely conservative Republican governor.”
Mr. Gleckman calls it a “mystery meat budget,” but he’s being unfair to mystery meat. The truth is that the filler modern food manufacturers add to their products may be disgusting — think pink slime — but it nonetheless has nutritional value. Mr. Ryan’s empty promises don’t. You should think of those promises, instead, as a kind of throwback to the 19th century, when unregulated corporations bulked out their bread with plaster of paris and flavored their beer with sulfuric acid.
The Flip Side of Jupiter
The flip side of Jupiter descends into greed and all manner of excessive self-indulgence. - Link
- optimistic in the face of hardship
- giving unselfishly
- justice for all
Aries - I am, cardinal instinct
Taurus - I have, want
Gemini - I think, need
Cancer - I feel, cardinal instinct
Leo - I will, desire
Virgo - I analyze, want
Libra - I balance, cardinal instinct
Scorpio - I create, need
Sagittarius - I perceive, desire
Capricorn - I use, cardinal instinct
Aquarius - I know, want
Pisces - I believe, need
Vesta Asteroid Analysis - Mitt Romney
Natal VESTA @27 Aries
(extraordinary, unusual striving for possessions & wealth)
Stress aspect, energies don't flow smoothly, one or the other predominates
Natal Jupiter @27 Scorpio - Mitt Romney
Natal Jupiter @27 Scorpio - Mitt Romney
(difficulty saying “no” wants to impress, either underrate or overate themselves or others)
Natal Moon @27 Scorpio - Mitt Romney
(extreme moods, uncertain of emotional center, afraid of being embarrassed or betrayed)
The Moon and VESTA five Houses apart are 'quincunx' or 'inconjunct'. Quincunxes indicate tendency to compartmentalize two areas of life, separates them consciously or unconsciously.
The practice of humanistic astrology engenders insight analysis to enable an individual to favorably protect parts of the self, to honor (Vesta, the hearth of the inner home) the 'flame of individuality' and to gather a whole picture, to know and empower the needs of the self; while concentration on Vesta in mundane, geopolitical astrology focuses on the collective social, economic-political, cultural consciousness and conditions. ( 2012 Eclipses - Link )
Vesta (Unhealthy Narcissism) - Vesta (Enlightened Self Interest)

Polaris Fixed Star * Semi-Sextile Kite
Apex (nose of kite, lift)
Minor Asteroid Swindle @27 Sagittarius
Minor Asteroid Machiavelli @ 28 Capricorn
Natal Jupiter @27 Scorpio, Natal Moon @27 Scorpio
Fixed Star Polaris @28 Gemini 31
Kite tail (drag)
Mitt Romney’s message is clear: “Let Detroit go bankrupt.” - Video Link
Big Oil money made from high gas prices is going right into Mitt Romney's campaign.

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