Link - IBM's supercomputer system, best known for trouncing the world's best "Jeopardy!" players on TV, is being tapped by one of the nation's largest health insurers to help diagnose medical problems and authorize treatments.
WellPoint Inc., which has 34.2 million members, will integrate Watson's lightning speed and deep health care database into its existing patient information, helping it choose among treatment options and medicines.
WellPoint Inc., which has 34.2 million members, will integrate Watson's lightning speed and deep health care database into its existing patient information, helping it choose among treatment options and medicines.

Wendell Potter - Link
Hardly a week goes by that I don’t get an email from someone asking if I can help untangle a problem they’re having with a health insurer. That’s why I decided to include a resource guide in the about-to-be-released paperback edition of my book, Deadly Spin, An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out On How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans. - Link
The guide is a compilation of federal and state government agencies and nonprofit organizations that exist to help people find their way through the maze and haze that characterize the U.S. health insurance industry.
But now with a bit of nudging from my colleagues at the Center for Public Integrity I’d like to attempt to assist in another way. If you have a health insurance related question or are in the midst of a fight (or nightmare) with your insurer and think I might be able to help, just “Ask Wendell.”
Have you been denied coverage for a doctor-ordered procedure? Let me know about it. Is your insurer telling you that an important benefit, which you thought was included in your policy, is not available after all or has been eliminated? Let me know and I’ll see if I can find out why. Has your insurer cancelled or rescinded your coverage without justification? I want to hear from you.
The guide is a compilation of federal and state government agencies and nonprofit organizations that exist to help people find their way through the maze and haze that characterize the U.S. health insurance industry.
But now with a bit of nudging from my colleagues at the Center for Public Integrity I’d like to attempt to assist in another way. If you have a health insurance related question or are in the midst of a fight (or nightmare) with your insurer and think I might be able to help, just “Ask Wendell.”
Have you been denied coverage for a doctor-ordered procedure? Let me know about it. Is your insurer telling you that an important benefit, which you thought was included in your policy, is not available after all or has been eliminated? Let me know and I’ll see if I can find out why. Has your insurer cancelled or rescinded your coverage without justification? I want to hear from you.
If we were to rely exclusively on mainstream media we’d hear and know nothing.
If we were to rely exclusively on mainstream media we’d hear and know nothing.
“Profits Before People” Bill Moyers’ revealing and disturbing conversation with Wendell Potter a former health insurance insider who has seen the light and is using his life to educate us on the mercenary horrors of the insurance industry. Said Potter, "The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who in time of crisis remain neutral. Potter is asked about his personal metamorphosis from ‘industry mouthpiece to whistleblower’ in his July 16 -09 interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now.
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