Day in the Life
Believe Rick Perry Or Your Lying Eyes
Rick Perry's Economic & Tax Ideas
Office of the Governor of Texas
Meet The Real Rick Perry - Video Link
As we approach 2012, Rick Perry continues to invent his own narrative about his record as Governor. It's a story that puts him on a collision course with the truth. The Texas Democratic Party is here to set the record straight on Perry's catastrophic tenure as governor. Click on Chart - Larger Image
"Rick Perry should do an infomercial on how to become a millionaire as a professional politician. From abusing his power over appointments to getting sweetheart real estate deals from supporters he's a regular get-rich-quick icon." ~ Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison R-TX
From the Austin American-Statesman:: In recent months, news reports have raised questions about whether incentive programs under Perry's control have become a convenient way for him to reward campaign contributors.
The controversies include the awarding of $4.5 million in technology fund money to a startup headed by David Nance, an Austin entrepreneur and longtime Perry donor and friend. Nance has received half the money, but Perry has not explained the award and why the company deserved it.
From CNN: Turns out Texas was the state that depended the most on those very stimulus funds to plug nearly 97% of its shortfall for fiscal 2010, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Rick Perry's so-called "economic miracle" is a mirage owed to federal stimulus funds
From the Austin American-Statesman: Most people know of Texas' reputation for creating jobs — the cornerstone of Perry's pitch that limited government, less regulation and low taxes are the tonic for what ails the nation. Yet almost half of the state's job growth the past two years was led by education, health care and government. Rick Perry demanded a state budget that killed hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Perry's Brain
Dave Carney, the general consultant to Gov. Rick Perry's re-election campaign — and to his campaigns in 1998, 2002, and 2006 lives in New Hampshire and commutes and telecommutes to the Texas governor's headquarters. Perry is his biggest client. -

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