Link - Democrats are expected to have 23 seats up for election, including 2 independents who caucus with the Democrats, while Republicans are only expected to have 10 seats up for election.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Aren’t Interested In Deficit Reduction, They Are Interested In Destroying Government
Sample - Examples
How Republican politicians feel about children, the poor, elderly, disabled:
Editor's Note
Consider - what if R's are only interested in causing as much DAMAGE as they can each election period (race & time in office) then their national campaign looks like this:
### Consider - what if R's are only interested in causing as much DAMAGE as they can each election period (race & time in office) then their national campaign looks like this:
- Take 2010 majority House of Representatives (control the budget process)
- Take some losses to house in 2012 (scorched earth politics)
- Take Senate majority in 2012 (do damage 2012 plus six years)
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Aren’t Interested In Deficit Reduction, They Are Interested In Destroying Government
In an interview with Think Progress and other online reporters this morning, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) flatly asserted that Republicans were not interested in deficit reduction. Pelosi asserted that the purpose of the GOP obsession with deficits is to destroy government, which she referred to as “the public space.” Pelosi said the programs under attack include “education, clean air, clean water, food safety, public safety” and more. Pelosi concluded, “You name it, they’re there to diminish it, destroy it.” Link
Senator Jim DeMint - Wiki
Senator Jim DeMint helped scuttle two debt ceiling deals, including $4 trillion in deficit-reduction that President Barack Obama and Speaker John Boehner had all but agreed to, and one by the bipartisan US Senators, Gang of 6. - Link
Senator Jim DeMint - Wiki
Click on Chart - Larger Image
DeMint is very conservative. He favors eliminating the IRS and Federal income tax. Additionally, while in Congress he sponsored legislation that would replace the current system with a national sales tax on all goods and services. He claimed he had signed onto the legislation "to advance the debate" on tax reform, and that he did not specifically favor that version of reform over others. DeMint staunchly supports Social Security reform, and specifically private accounts within social security.
DeMint stirred controversy when he stated his belief that openly gay people should not be allowed to teach in public schools. When questioned by reporters, DeMint also stated that single mothers who live with their boyfriends should similarly be excluded from being educators. He also favored banning all forms of abortion.
DeMint is a member of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Special Committee on Aging, and the Joint Economic Committee. DeMint is currently the Deputy Majority Whip.
Sample - Examples
How Republican politicians feel about children, the poor, elderly, disabled:
Florida's Republican Governor Rick Scott signed into law in January.
In case link doesn't open, this is what he cut out of the budget pertaining to health and senior citizens. This does not include the measures taken against Medicaid, including a provision he is trying (or succeeded in passing), which makes it harder for lawyers to bring negligence cases on behalf of children on Medicaid:
In case link doesn't open, this is what he cut out of the budget pertaining to health and senior citizens. This does not include the measures taken against Medicaid, including a provision he is trying (or succeeded in passing), which makes it harder for lawyers to bring negligence cases on behalf of children on Medicaid:
- National Veterans Homeless Support Group, $12 million
- Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, $300,000
- The Allapattah Community Center Hot Meals Program, $430,000
- Senior Citizens Center grants, $1.4 million
- University of Miami Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitus Project, $777,169
- Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease Testing, Newborn Screening, $1.9 million
- Biomedical research in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, $50,000
- Statewide Brain and Tumor Registry Program at the McKnight Brain Institute, $500,000
- Establish a Public Children’s Hospital in Southwest Florida, $1.5 million
In what can only be considered a positively vile attack on disabled children and their families, women, and Planned Parenthood, VA state Delegate Bob Marshall (R-13th) has stated that children with disabilities are a punishment from God for having had an abortion.
In what can only be considered a positively vile attack on disabled children and their families, women, and Planned Parenthood, VA state Delegate Bob Marshall (R-13th) has stated that children with disabilities are a punishment from God for having had an abortion.
"The number of children who are born subsequent to a first abortion with handicaps has increased dramatically. Why? Because when you abort the first born of any, nature takes its vengeance on the subsequent children," said Marshall, a Republican."In the Old Testament, the first born of every being, animal and man, was dedicated to the Lord. There's a special punishment Christians would suggest."
Editor's Note
I refer to GOP politics as HATE- HURT- HELL campaigns:
- They'll send you to hell/punish you because THEIR god would!
- They'll hurt you because because they are permanently in victim-mentality. You HAD to have hurt them because they are feeling HURT about etc. etc. etc.; ' They'll 'get you before you get them' ( twisted overcompensation and projection, various forms of inner self-loathing )
- Hate: Well they hate so many people and things and they indulge in hate; all of the HATE-HURT-HELL policies are triggers-permissions for obsessive compulsive behavior that leads to destroying others out of existence, destroying public opportunity, destroying common good because they have defined what is good by infamous heros, Milton Friedman ( Chicago School of Economics) or Ayn Rand (compassion is evil, selfishness is good ) and they hate - hurt - hell because if they believe something is true, it is absolutely the truth.
Star Cats Blog - The S&P downgrade chart is clear on it’s face even down to the Neptune retrograde rising pointing to the $2Trillion dollar math error (Neptune – fuzzy math!) the White House caught on S&P’s documents. Chiron in Neptune ruled Pisces rising reveals the wound. Click on Chart - Larger Image
Saturn, the traditional ruler of the Aquarius Ascendant, is located in the 8th house of debt. Disposited (ruled) by cash-in-hand Venus who falls “amiss” (not angular) in the 6th house, the “angle of distress.” The Leo Sun, fidelity and bona fides “straight from the heart,” is also amiss in the 6th house. Here are where ailments and mental anguish are located. Restrictive Saturn squelches Venus and her square aspect to mega-capital Jupiter is further damaged because both planets of wealth are “peregrine.” Peregrine means they have no essential dignity and thus are forced to wander aimlessly without standing, rest or relief. - Link
Mars in Cancer in the 5th house of speculation, wagers and risk taking (NYSE) will set off a cardinal grand square formation by squaring Transiting Uranus in the 2nd house (Mars rules it), will oppose dismantling Pluto in Capricorn, then will square Saturn in Libra in the 8th house of debt.
Uranus retrograde in the 2nd house of the S&P chart demonstrates the jolt this reversal of fortune (retrograde) has caused and how sudden and unexpected this blow was to the White House. Restrictive Saturn in the loans and debts 8th house spells economic contraction and a drying up of money valves that really should be opened to allow the wheels the industry and commerce to expand and hire.
The Scorpio Moon in the 9th house of law and lawmakers (not necessarily the actual bodies of Congress which we locate in the 11th house of the chart), is in a zodiacal zone known as the Via Combusta. The burning way from 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio, as designated by ancient astrologers, is a horoscopic signal of a person or persons who are grieved, anxious and troubled.
The Moon is also the planet we look to when gauging where the public’s mind is occupied. It appears that the people are deeply distressed by their policy-makers for what outcomes they know are sure: still no jobs, higher interest rates, draconian cuts to welfare services such as food stamps and free clinics, as well as the threat of a reduction in Social Security benefits and drastic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
The Scorpio Moon squares cash carrying Venus (what’s in your wallet?) and opposes “grow my wealth” Jupiter. It will shortly by transit square the Leo Sun, the heart of any chart AND the planet associated with the country’s ruler — president Obama. Click on Chart - Larger Image

Star Light News By purposefully taking us to the brink of a threatened default, Republicans have shaken confidence in America’s capacity to be a responsible player in the world economy.
Opposition Aspect - Wisconsin Recall Election 8.09.2011
The immediate crisis, when viewed astrologically, has many layers. The first is the prolonged Mercury/Neptune opposition which runs from July 26 through mid-morning on August 8, peaking roughly an hour and a half after the US markets open on Monday.
"Every day we are talking about debt we are not talking about jobs, and that's a victory for the other side." She asserted that for Republicans the deficit fight "isn't about the deficit, it's about destroying the public space." ~ House Leader Nancy Pelosi
The Budget Control Act of 2011 (S. 365), which President Obama signed into law Tuesday, establishes a two-step process toward reducing deficit spending by $2.4 trillion over the next decade. Step one directs Congress to cut discretionary spending by $917 billion to include $350 billion from defense budgets base on priorities set by a roles and missions study.
Step two has Hill leaders establishing a 12-member committee of lawmakers, to be divided evenly between Democrats and Republicans, an arrangement that appears designed to produce gridlock. They are to identify an additional $1.5 trillion in reductions from entitlements and tax reforms.
This bipartisan committee is to report out legislation agreed to by at least seven of its members by Nov. 23, 2011, to produce the required cuts. The full Congress then must vote on the recommendations by Dec. 23. Click on Charts - Larger Image

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